Member News

  • 25 Apr 2023 8:01 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    The Park and Recreation Days with the Minnesota Twins schedule can be found here. Don't miss out on this opportunity for discounted group tickets during select games days in June, July and August. 

  • 27 Mar 2023 10:00 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    The Recreation and Parks Leadership Studies program at Minnesota State University in Mankato is the only nationally accredited program of its kind in Minnesota. As part of our mission to develop students who excel as leaders in the RPLS profession, we are seeking to connect with seasonal employees and share a career potential in parks and recreation. 

    Members of our faculty would love to visit your seasonal trainings for a brief 15-20 minute Q&A with staff. We would provide additional voices to convey to young people the importance of their work and the positive impacts they can have on the world around them. If you are interested in having us visit with your team, please complete the form here and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Thanks so much for the opportunity, and good luck with your upcoming season!  Click here for further details.

  • 22 Mar 2023 12:45 PM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    The MRPA Board of Directors understands member agencies, communities, and the profession have evolved in recent years due to the pandemic and other factors. To ensure the Association continues to meet members’ needs, the MRPA Board has hired a consulting firm to provide guidance for the Association’s operations and programs for the coming years. The firm, Association Management Center (AMC), will assist in four areas: a membership survey, needs assessment, staffing model, and funding sustainability.

    We need to hear from you! In the coming weeks, AMC will send a membership survey to you. Please take the time to share your thoughts and complete the survey. This membership survey is an important way for members from across the state have a voice in their Association. MRPA is committed to continue to provide relevant program offerings based on your input and this process. Watch for the survey and a few reminders to be sent in the coming weeks. 


    MRPA Board of Directors

  • 20 Mar 2023 7:39 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    2023 Sponsorship & Exhibit Hall

    Looking to sponsor and/or exhibit at the 2023 Annual Conference in Plymouth? View the Sponsor and Exhibitor brochure for more details and registration information.

    Exhibit Hall Registration:

    Click here to pay online for a standard booth online.

    Click here
     to pay for an exhibit premium booth online.

    Exhibitor Lunch Registration:

    Click here 
    to register for lunch tickets or electrical

  • 10 Mar 2023 3:33 PM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    The MRPA Annual Conference Planning Committee is excited to bring to you the 2023 conference and is looking forward to providing diverse educational opportunities that will engage professionals from all backgrounds.

    One of the most important parts of any Conference Planning Committee is the recruitment of high-quality speakers and engaging educational topics that will spark the interests of everyone in your organization. Please consider either submitting a proposal or forwarding a proposal to a person that may be interested in sharing their talents.

    To submit an Educational Session Proposal please visit:

    The deadline for Educational Session Proposals is Sunday, March 12, 2023.

    If you have questions, the Conference Program Team would be happy to assist you:

    JJ Williams                                                 Dakota Krings                         

    651-430-8245                                            952-939-8372

    This year’s conference theme is Trailblazing. The 2023 conference team is devoted to delivering a conference that will explore all aspects of parks and recreation.


  • 10 Mar 2023 3:32 PM | Todd Pernsteiner (Administrator)

    The Spring 2023 issue of Minnesota Recreation & Parks magazine is printed/mailed and should arrive in your mailbox within the next couple of weeks. You can also view this issue as well as back issues online here

  • 8 Feb 2023 10:07 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    WILS Annual Assembly will be held on February 28 from 9 am - 1pm at the Theodore Wirth Chalet. This conference will host Jan Ficken and Jana Cinnamon. There will be opportunities to network and discuss with retired, experienced, and young professionals. Lunch will be provided.

    Register now at

    $20 for WILS Members

    $30 for Non-Members

  • 1 Feb 2023 9:39 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    Minnesota State University will host the 2nd Annual RPLS Day on Friday, April 14, 2023 beginning at 1pm!

    What is RPLS Day? What are the RPLS Awards? A brief explanation of what to expect: VIDEO (5:43)

    RPLS Day Schedule | Centennial Student Union:

    1PM | Networking Event | Perfect for those looking to make to friends or hire new colleagues

    2PM | Hot Topics Panel | A lively exploration of current trends in RPLS

    3PM | RPLS Awards | Our celebration of the vital and varied contributions of the RPLS Family

    4:30PM | RPLS Day Social Hour | The 418 Room at Rounders Bar | 414 S. Front St. in downtown Mankato

    To RSVP, please click HERE. You can use the same form to submit nominations for awards (until noon on Friday, March 3).

  • 19 Jan 2023 11:49 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    You are invited to apply for a John C. Potts "Pottsie" Leadership Development Scholarship to the 2023 NRPA Directors School. The American Parks & Recreation Foundation (APRF) is the philanthropic partner of the American Academy for Park & Recreation Administration.

    Scholarship requirements and application:

  • 17 Jan 2023 9:22 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    Minnesota Best is a concept in which members may share their great ideas with one another. It is a chance to promote the best programs, special events, facilities, parks and park features in your organization. Please take a moment to complete and return the informational form to Jess Skalicky by February 15. She will be organizing the information and working with the MRPA to distribute the results to the membership. 

    One note: Minnesota Best is a different concept than MRPA's Awards of Excellence program. Minnesota Best is an information exchange amongst members, and these projects may be ones from any year. Also, the Minnesota Best documents are a great way to begin preparations for your agency's Awards of Excellence application, which will be sent to the membership in the coming weeks.

    2023 - Minnesota Best - fillable.pdf

Minnesota Recreation & Park Association (MRPA)
200 Charles Street NE
Fridley, MN 55432

(763) 571-1305

©2024 Minnesota Recreation & Park Association

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software