Member News

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  • 9 Jun 2021 10:41 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) shares a grant opportunity for the National Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program. The ORLP program, funded through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), is a nationally competitive grant program that delivers funding to urban areas — jurisdictions of at least 50,000 people — with priority given to projects located in economically disadvantaged areas and lacking in outdoor recreation opportunities.

    Additional information and application materials are available on the DNR program webpage, National Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program | Minnesota DNR ( Applications are due to the DNR by August 31, 2021.


  • 30 Apr 2021 7:35 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    The American Academy of Park and Recreation Administration (AAPRA) externship application process is now open. The Young Professional Externship Program enables outstanding young professionals 35 years of age and younger (extended to age 36 in 2021 only) in the parks and recreation field to interact with and learn from members of the AAPRA members, and other individuals who attend the NRPA Conference and its associated meetings.

    Up to four externs are selected each year, of which two are Ernest T. Atwell diversity externships. Click here for more information.

  • 31 Mar 2021 7:57 AM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    MRPA’s magazine photo album contest deadline extended to June 7!


    Photo categories:
    • A. Parks & Playgrounds
    • B. Recreation & Programming
    • C. Trails, Nature & Conservation

    Grab your camera or cell phone! We want to see your best programming and site photos. One lucky MRPA member’s entry will be drawn at random to win a 2021 MRPA Annual Conference registration. Plus, a panel of professional photographers will review all photos submitted and choose three photos from each category to be featured in the Summer 2021 issue of MRPA’s MINNESOTA RECREATION & PARKS magazine.

    Submission deadline is extended to May 21, 2021. Photos taken between Jan. 1, 2020 and June 7, 2021 are eligible to be submitted. Submit photos at right using the online form. Winner will be notified by June 8, 2021.

    Any agency member of MRPA is eligible to submit photos. A maximum of up to three photo submissions per person allowed. Corporate members may enter but are not eligible for the free conference registration. Click here to submit your photos.


    • Photos taken between January 1, 2020 and June 7, 2021 are eligible for the contest.
    • Photos must be your own, original shots and cannot be copyrighted by other publications or rights owners. Selected winners will be asked to sign an artwork release to verify originality before being printed in MINNESOTA magazine.
    • If photos will be used in the magazine that feature people with visible faces, you will need to submit a signed photo release form completed by all persons shown in the photo. TIP: We recommend you print and take copies of the photo release with you when out shooting photos. Click here to download the editable photo release online.

    Photos should be full color, high-resolution (300 dots per inch or dpi) at full size. Photos should be between (vertical) 8 inches x 12 inches or horizontal (12 inches x 8 inches) at 300 dpi. Vertical photos work better for cover consideration.


    • Photo submissions due by June 7, 2021 
    • Winners selected/announced June 8, 2021
    • Summer MRPA magazine mails in July/August 2021

    Click here to go to the entry page and upload your photo photo(s). Complete a photo release form if people's faces are prominent in the photo. Label your photo with your first and last name and category (ex. JohnSmith_CategoryA). Up to three entries may be submitted per member. If you do not have access to submit the form online, please contact

    All photos will be judged by a panel of professional photographers. The top three in each category will be included in the summer issue of the magazine; additional images may also be included as honorable mentions.

    One submitting agency member will be drawn at random for a free 2021 MRPA Conference registration. The top three vote getters in each of the three categories will be featured in the summer 2021 issue of MINNESOTA RECREATION & PARKS magazine.

    MRPA and Pernsteiner Creative Group reserve the right to reject any photos they feel necessary for content or quality. 

    Contact Todd Pernsteiner at or (952) 841-1111.

  • 16 Mar 2021 4:36 PM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    Communities Can Apply for Americorps Emergency Response 
    Volunteers available to assist this summer

    ServeMinnesota has announced 700 AmeriCorps members will be available this summer to assist Minnesota communities. As park and recreation leaders, they want to make sure you are aware of the opportunity to get more help over the summer months at no cost to you. 

    As part of the AmeriCorps Emergency Response initiative, members will serve 35 hours per week (June 6 - August 14) to support activities like: 
    • Summer programming and tutoring services
    • Meal distribution and family resources
    Building/facility projects related to the pandemic (setting up spaces for social distancing, additional cleaning/disinfecting protocols)
    • A
    nd more

    Sites may request members by completing a short application online at 

    The application deadline is March 27, 2021.

  • 12 Mar 2021 8:36 AM | Todd Pernsteiner (Administrator)

    Governor Walz issued Executive Order 21-11 on March 12, 2021. There are facets of our parks and recreation offerings included in this executive order, including but not limited to:  

    ·     Wedding venues -- page 7

    ·     Outdoor recreational activity -- page 7 and see note below

    ·     Public pools -- page 12

    ·     Indoor gymnasiums, fitness centers, recreation centers -- page 12

    ·     Indoor performance venues -- page 13

    ·     Outdoor recreational facilities -- page 14 and see note below

    ·     Youth programs -- page 18

    ·     Youth sports -- pages 19

    ·     Adult sports -- page 20

    Click here to download executive order 21-11. Click here for a guidance overview web page

    Additionally the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has updated the Outdoor Recreation and Facilities Guidelines, and Camping Guidelines, to reflect EO 21-11. 

    Guidance for day camps will be coming soon. This will be the controlling document related to group size and capacity limits. 

    MRPA will continue to provide legislative updates with members. We are all in this together.

  • 27 Jan 2021 2:03 PM | Bethani Gerhard (Administrator)

    2021 MRPA Professional Awards

    MRPA will celebrate the 2021 Professional Award recipients and their outstanding accomplishments during the professional awards ceremony in conjunction with the MRPA Annual Conference in October 2021. 

    MRPA will honor the following outstanding parks and recreation professionals at the MRPA Professional Awards Ceremony:   

    Sandy Breuer, Washington County

    Nate Rosa, St. Louis Park

    Nicole Gorman, Edina

    Chris Fleck, Eagan
    J.J. Williams, Washington County  

    Saint Paul Parks and Recreation  

    Dale McCamish, Rochester 

    Congratulations to the 2021 MRPA Professional Award recipients!

  • 13 Nov 2020 5:33 AM | Todd Pernsteiner (Administrator)

    MRPA is grateful for our long-time partners and their dedication to the Association. Together, we have offered valuable, close-to-home education and recreation opportunities for members, which has positively impacted the communities they serve. MRPA also welcomes those companies who are new to us, and look forward to forming lasting partnerships.

    To provide our corporate partners with year-round marketing visibility, MRPA has developed a comprehensive, year-round partnership package for 2020 — North Star Partnership Opportunities.

    These partnership opportunities provide year-round company benefits, and offers support for education, recreation, and the MRPA Annual Conference. The North Star Partnership Opportunities brochure for 2020 offers information on upcoming events, and the benefits aligned with the four North Star levels.

    Click here for the 2021 partnership brochure.

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Minnesota Recreation & Park Association (MRPA)
200 Charles Street NE
Fridley, MN 55432

(763) 571-1305

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